Summary of course content
The trainees are introduced to the different materials like UPVC, PE, PERT, PEX, CPVC, etc. The technical specifications and usage of each and every material are explained in detail.
The proper practical handling and manipulating of different fittings will also be demonstrated.
The assembly to be envisaged using the Solvent weld, Socket Rubber ring joint, Mechanical fittings, Electrofusion PE Chamber etc.
The assembled product need be tested for leakage using portable hand pump.
These practical experiences are shared among trainees.
Work exercise on waste water pipe sizing.
Practical on air pressure test on inside and outside building draining/sewerage piping systems
Live demo on Drain, Trap and Vent (DTV) simulator to demonstrate effect of drain water on water seals of nearby trap in sanitary fixtures.
Participants will have the opportunity to install/arrange different configuration of drain piping systems and observe the siphoned effect of the water trap seal.
The water supply piping systems of the DTV simulator will also be pressure tested for leakages.
Oral open class discussions are organized to further sharing of knowledge and attend to questions from trainees.